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Discover the top four unusual yet effective promotional gifts

In the modern day there is more emphasis placed on marketing than ever before. This is largely thanks to the recession. When the economic downturn occurred businesses faced a real problem on their hands. Individuals were much more reluctant to part ways with their hard earned money because of the uncertainty that arose. However, there were those who would still spend. It was merely a case of appealing to these people and tempting them to purchase from you. This is a pattern that is very much still occurring at present. Individuals still aren’t as loose with their pennies as they once were. So, how do businesses tackle this issue? One effective method is to use the marketing strategy of promotional gifts. This works well because you create a loyal bond with the consumer and you can target your campaign too. Nonetheless, for your marketing campaign to be a success you need to choose gifts that are going to stand out from the others. Therefore read on to discover the top four unusual gift ideas…

Companies have a lot of various marketing techniques to choose from in the modern day. However, one that has been successful for many years and will continue to be so for many more to come is the use of promotional gifts. There are many positives associated with going down this road. Not only will you increase brand recognition but you are likely to build up loyalty between you and your consumers. In addition to this, advertising that is tangible is always deemed better because individuals can go back to it time and time again. Thus, promotional products have a lasting impression. Furthermore, if you pick your gift right then this can definitely be a low cost form of advertising. however, getting the product right does not merely revolve around cost, you need to wow people with your unique choice too. Thus, read on to uncover the top four unusual gift ideas for promotional purposes. mini macaroons

If you have decided to incorporate promotional products into your marketing strategy then you will no doubt begin to see the rewards of a solid strategy. Nonetheless, the success of this method all relies on one thing; the promotional gifts you choose to utilise. You need to find something that your consumers are going to like, something that will make them value your company more and something that is in line with your style of business and your corporate identity. One of the first things you should do is try and think outside of the box. Don’t go for the obvious, such as a pen or a lanyard. Instead continue on for some fantastic unusual gift ideas you can take advantage of. 


There is nothing better than a sweet treat to win over all of your potential clients. But why macaroons? There are several reasons why this is the best choice. Firstly, it is innovative. It strays away from the chocolates and cupcakes that make up the usual food based promotional gifts. Secondly, there is something extremely lavish and sophisticated about macaroons. This is the upper class treat. After all, it was a favourite of royalty back in the day. These are certainly qualities to be associated with your company. Not only this, but by presenting individuals with a luxurious sweet treat it showcases how much of an effort you have gone to. If you have gone to such lengths with your unusual gift ideas, then individuals can only begin to imagine how great your products or services are. And finally, if you purchase macaroons from a great supplier you will be able to brand fantastically. Utilise your business’s colours and / or opt for flavours that tie in with your brand. 

Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer might not be the most glamorous of all the promotional gifts you come across, but it is highly effective. More and more people seem to becoming more health conscious. You will often see a lot of people carrying around a small bottle of hand sanitizer with them wherever they go. Why does this make a good promotional product? Firstly, it is useful. There are so many promotional gifts that end up in an individual’s cupboard and never see the light of day. Secondly, as it is going to be used time and time again it is going to be exposed. The individual utilising the hand sanitizer will have the company’s name ingrained in their mind. This is undoubtedly one of the most unusual gift ideas, in health and cleaning based industries the impact of this product would be astounding. macaroons uk 

Luggage spotter

There is nothing more annoying than waiting for your luggage to come round the conveyor belt at the airport only to struggle to identify your case. They all look the same and so you spend an hour, if not more, picking up suitcases and putting them back again. A luggage spotter is one of the best unusual gift ideas because it is one of those things that practically everyone will find useful yet very few people tend to buy for themselves. The reason why it is deemed one of the best promotional gifts is because it will be advertising your company’s logo to everyone standing around the conveyor belt. After all, it will catch attention because not many people have these, and so the branding and advertising potential is vast. 

Finger duster

This is one of the products you will look at and wonder what on earth is this? And that is the exact reason why it works so well. Not only does it look unusual and catch the eye but it is extremely useful too - and this is one of the main measures of the worth of a promotional gift. All you do is attach the duster to your finger and you have an easy and effective way of cleaning your computer, tablet or laptop. Thus, whilst this product might be unique, it is one of those promotional gifts that everybody can find a use for. And if that wasn’t good enough, they are also available in a vast selection of colours too, therefore |presenting you with branding potential. All in all, this epitomises successful unusual gift ideas; it catches attention instantly through its uniqueness yet makes a lasting impression because of its usefulness. 

Have you fallen in love with the quirky yet undeniably useful finger duster? Would you prefer to give your potential consumers a tasty treat with lavish macaroons? Perhaps your favourite out of the four unusual gift ideas is the practical and often utilised hand sanitizer? Or maybe the luggage spotter has appealed to you the most for its unique branding potential? In order to make your choice do not just think about what is going to shock people the most or what the cheapest option is. You also need to imagine your company and how the promotional gift in question would fit in. Remember, the products you choose are a representation of your brand. If you keep these tips in mind then you can’t go astray when it comes to finding the best promotional gifts for you. 

When you have decided on which of these promotional gifts you like the most and which one is going to fit in the best with your company, you then need to find the best company to provide you with them. When it comes to macaroons you want to buy from a company who specialises in these items specifically, rather than a promotional goods business. This is the only way to be assured of amazing flavours and unrivalled taste. When it comes to the other unusual gift ideas you will probably be able to find these online from some of the better marketing product companies. All you need to do is a little bit of searching and a little bit of digging. You will soon be on your way to promotional product success.

To sum up, the top four unusual gift ideas for promotional purposes are as follows; hand sanitizers, macaroons, luggage spotters and finger dusters. They all work really well because not only do they have the surprise factor but they are going to be used as well (or eaten!). It is important to make your decision carefully. After all, the successfulness of your promotional strategy rides on the product you select. If your product doesn’t hit the spot then it will actually have a negative impact rather than no impact at all. This is because it will detract from your corporate identity rather than strengthen and enhance it. Thus, use the ideas presented in this article; either choose one of the four or use them as a basis for inspiration. Consider your brand in relation to the product. Consider your target consumer base and what their reaction to the product would be. This is the recipe for success.